What Makes Natural Health Solutions Unique?

Natural Health Solutions began in Boulder, CO, in 2004 out of a desire to both guide people more successfully through the healthcare maze and help people unravel their health-related mysteries through an empathic connection informed by a dedication to problem-solving.

While Acupuncture and Functional Medicine are powerful healthcare tools, they are simply tools. The fuel that sustained Natural Health Solutions for 19 years in Boulder, CO was our commitment to building lasting, meaningful, and effective therapeutic relationships with our patients.

We came to Walla Walla because we recognized a sense of community values and caring that resonated with us. Community and connection are vital to health and longevity, so we are excited to join and serve a population with such a strong foundation for health. We are particularly excited to share two decades worth of Acupuncture and Functional Medicine expertise with our community.

Natural Health Solutions is a husband and wife team. We are continually learning from and inspiring each other in our pursuit of constantly refining the quality of our patient care.

In our practice, patients are like family. We fuss over you, we fight for you, and we want you to succeed in reaching your health goals.

We work in partnership with you to successfully address health issues. We are committed to patient education. We focus on individualized determinants of health, ultimately helping you take back control and responsibility over your health.